Theta Healing Session

During Theta Healing, through guided meditation, Agata will help you connect to the Theta brain Wave, ultimately accessing your subconscious mind.

Life can throw us challenges and traumatic experiences that can impact our minds. The subconscious is a mysterious part of your psyche where some of these negative thoughts can be stored.

Emotions such as anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, lack of purpose and disconnection from others and ourselves are a result of these negative thought patterns.

Agata Serwotka is a professional Theta Healing Practitioner and Spiritual Coach. She aims to help you heal your mind and your thinking through Theta Healing.

Sessions are conducted online via Zoom, Skype or Whatsapp. Through connecting with you energetically, Agata creates a peaceful and caring environment to help you heal.

Agata will help you discover any mental blocks that need transforming, healing, reprogramming and nourishing. You will learn a new way of thinking, learning and making decisions.

During your session with Agata you will learn:

  • How to shift any disempowering thoughts, habits and beliefs into empowering ones.
  • Reconnect with your authentic self
  • Develop a deeper sense of self empowerment
  • Develop a deeper self purpose.
  • Let go of any limiting beliefs, anxiety and depression.

Through meditation these negative thought patterns in the subconscious are replaced with positive messages that are communicated to the body.

Benefits Gained:

After your session with Agata you will feel:

  • A renewed sense of being
    New vitality
  • A feeling of purpose
  • A feeling of peace
  • Freedom from heavy and challenging emotions
  • A new approach to life
  • Empowered
  • Detachment from any toxic relationships
  • A renewed sense of compassion
  • A connection to life and its sacred mysteries

Who should sign up for a session?

These sessions are for anyone who has faced a trauma or struggle with negative emotions and seeking a spiritual coach to help them transform their lives.

If you are open to alternative forms of healing and spiritual healing then signing up to work with Agata could work for you.

We are guided by the wisdom of our souls, hearts and the loving universal wisdom of creation.


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